Saturday, November 29, 2008


Today, I went to Fukuoka to go to the EXILE's live concert with my friend. We met at Musashizuka bus stop at 1 p.m. We waited for a bus to go to Fukuoka, but there are too many people. We could not ride in a bus easily, so we waited for about an hour. We went to Fukuoka airport first, then we changed from a bus to a subway. We arrieved at YAHOO DOME at 4:30 p.m. I went to YAHOO DOME for the first time. It was very big and there are a lot of people. I was looking forward to the live concert, because I like EXILE very much. This is the first time for me to go to the EXILE's live concert. I can usually watched them only on TV, but I could I enjoyed the live concert and I was so happy. I really want to go to the live concert next year too. After that, we wemt to a hotel but the hotel was very far from the YAHOO DOME. We took a lot of time to go to the hotel. We were very tired when we arrived at the hotel. So we went to bed as soon as possible. We had a very nice time today. We are going to go shopping tomorrow. I am looking forward to do shopping tomorrow.

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