Friday, June 15, 2007

Videotape recording

Shiori,Yuhei and I met to record our group presentation on Friday at the no,11 building at4:10.
We practiced the presentation many times because we had to finish recording early to return the video tape recorder .Yuhei arramged the videotape recorder for recording.Shiori and I arranged our poster.After that, we began to recording.Because of practice,we succeed with the announcement one time.We finished recording at 5:30.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

School library

Shiori,Yuhei and I met to discuss our group presentation at the school library at 18:00.First,we formed about our group presentation.We thought the way to announce our group presentation.We practice many times to announce smoothly.We finished rehearsal at20:10.We were very tired.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

School library

Shiori,Yuhei and I met to discuss our group presentation at the school library at 14:30.We divided part of our group presentation and we practice announce.We have to remember circulation of our group presentation by tomorrow.It is very hard for me.

Monday, June 11, 2007


We practiced our group presentation at the speaking class on Munday.We planed to announce with looking manuscript but Mr.tomei said"You must not look manuscript".So we tried to announce without manuscript.But it is very defficult for us.We have to practice more.