Saturday, October 18, 2008

My favorite place

I have a lot of favorite places. However the most favorite place is my room, because it is the most comfortable place for me. I spend long time in my room, so I tried to make my room easy to live. There are a lot of my favorite points of my room. So I am going to introduce my room now.

There are a lot of things in my room. First, I am going to introduce my furniture. There are one bed, two bookshelves, and one desk in my room. My grandmother bought the bed for me when I entered junior high school. I like the bed, because it is a very comfortable bed. Next, I introduce other things. There are a lot of stuffed animals in my room. I like Rirakkuma. It is a character of bear. It is very cute. It softens my heart. Also there are a lot of clothes. Clothes soon collect on my closet, because I can’t throw my old clothes away and I like shopping. There are many other things that I like in my room.

My room is a very comfortable place for me. On the one hand I can spend by myself when I don’t want to talk with other people. In the situation, atmosphere of my room are very quiet and mild. I like the atmosphere, because I can be lost in thoughts. Also I need not attentive to other people. On the other hand I sometimes invite my friends in my room. In the situation, atmosphere of my room are very noisy and busy. I also like the atmosphere, because I can omit to think worries and so on. Also I can have a nice time.

My house is located on near my alma mater. The high school is about a ten minutes walk from my house. So I can look my alma mater from porch of my room. I liked my high school very, very much. I remember my high school days when I hear voice of student who do club activity.

I do various activities in my room when I have a free time for example listening music, watching DVDs, sleeping, reading magazines, calling on my friends and so on. I like to watch movies so I often watch DVDs in my room. Also I like to call on my friends so I often call on my friends a long time. The hours go quickly when I do these activities. I can kill hours in my room easily when I have a free time.

Would you understand about my room a bit? I like my room very much as I stated before. However, I want to fit up my room as more comfortable place. So please give me some advices. Thank you for reading.

[466 words]

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